Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blogging and the roach

Today I saw Julie and Julia. It was a bit slow at times and I think a few themes didn't tie up in the end. But I did like the overall messages of perseverance and dedication.

One of the things that Julie said in the movie I relate to all the time. She said that sometimes she felt like her words were going into a black hole and that no one ever read her blog. I must admit I feel like that often and it's the reason why I stopped writing regularly a few months ago. I'm a journalist and a writer. I'm used to knowing my audience. I'm used to having an audience. I don't need to write for myself--I have a journal for that very purpose. My personal blog is just a way for me to write about my life, to express my thoughts, and hopefully to share with other people. If one person reads and is entertained or helped or changed in some way, I would be thrilled. I think part of the problem is that I am extremely well-connected to my friends and even a lot of strangers. I follow all of my friends' blogs as well as blogs by people I find funny, interesting, inspirational, educational, or informative. I read the news constantly. I love being in the know. But most of my friends are not blog-fluent or very internet-savvy so I know they would not be very interested in a blog no matter whose it is.

I also killed a roach tonight while my two friends hollered in the background. It was sitting on their kitchen counter. I sprayed Raid with intensity and abandon--mugs, peanut butter jars, bags of sliced bread--nothing on the counter escaped as I slathered the roach with the poison. Not powerful enough, though. When it finally hit the floor, it started running to the door. With a keen eye on the critter, I yelled to my friends, standing aghast a few feet away, telling them to open the door. Maybe I would let the monster live after all. But as it began making its way to the couch and as I heard cries from my friend to "Step on it," I did the deed.

I had a nice night with my friends but I do have a few notes to self and to those who are interested. One--Do not tell all of your friends to wear dresses and then wear jeans. Two--Do not eat at a local food chain after seeing mouth-watering French cuisine in a cinema. Three--Do not talk about medical mysteries for too long. Four--Avoid mentioning anybody's food allergies even though you really are just trying to accommodate them.

And now I see sleep in my forecast. I have read too many articles and blogs tonight.

Till Later

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