Sunday, November 23, 2008

10 days

So it's been 10 days since I've posted on this blog. A lot of things can happen in 10 days. A lot of nothing can also happen in 10 days.

For instance, a lot of sleeping, eating and homework. But there were also some events I consider noteworthy.

The Gators smashed both the University of South Carolina as well the Citadel the past two Saturdays. I was a witness in the Swamp for both the games. One of my good friends attends USC so I was especially eager to trample the Gamecocks. I took my friend Kelly to her first game, which she enjoyed despite thinking she wouldn't. For the Citadel game, I sat in the Newman block with friends Mary, Rachel and Bridget, who all managed to find tickets, as well as some other cool people. Including Father David who went to his first game. I even got to teach him the Gator bait cheer and chomp. Mr. Two Bits made his last debut on Saturday, leading the two bits cheer for the Gators. Students were handed paper ties in honor of Mr. Two Bits and watched him recieve the "keys of the city" (what those are I am not quite sure.)

I have beeen to three potlucks and Thanksgiving is still four days away. Fortunately, nothing can replace my mom's green beans, sweet potatoes, boiled wine apples, and deviled eggs. Although my friend's mashed potatoes and someone's applie pie were pretty scrumptious.

In those ten days, my room managed to become a horrible mess. My roommate told her mom over the phone that my side of the room was messy and she replied "as long as you keep your side clean." Which made me feel kind of lousy, but hey, my parents are miles away from my room. And I also was able to reconnect with some close friends I don't see very often through lunch. I even attended a bonfire and didn't make smores. That is definitely a first. The atmosphere was kind of hippie-ish, meaning that people ate deep fried turkey and candy bars and sat silently next to the fire watching the flames in the backyard of an old shady house. Then my friend's brother brought out his guitar and livened up some guests with a great rendition of "I Will Survive."

I'm excited for Thanksgiving but everyone seems to be leaving the city of Gainesville before Wednesday. I can't miss my post modern England class so i have to wait until 3p.m. to leave. Still scouting for potential rides, but around ten people I know are leaving earlier. When I do get home my plans look like this: hang out at home Wednesday night, have an early thanksgiving lunch on Thursday, work from 5 to 11p.m., look for a voice recorder on black Friday, work that night, get up and go to work on Saturday, go home and watch the Gators defeat the Seminoles, and come back here on Sunday. I am trying to balance spending time with the family and earning some money, in case you couldn't tell.

And before I can enjoy both those things, I have to write a research paper. Tonight. So...Happy thanksgiving to all and good night.

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