Thursday, November 13, 2008

Highs and lows

Today was the infamous day that creeps upon you every semester. The day that takes your well-crafted plans and morphs them into a mush of garbage.

Today was my course registration day.

Sitting in class staring at my laptop for the clock to turn precisely 10:50, I had a page listing the classes I wanted and needed, as well as alternative options.

Going through ISIS, most of my classes were gone. My back-ups were gone. My back-ups' back-ups' were even gone. I had to call my friends to get suggestions because I was signed up for only 7 credits.

I ended up with a schedule that started at 8:30 four times a week. All of my friends who heard about it looked at me and said I had to change that. I'm a night owl and let's just say I have slept through a class or two.

Then came weighing the pros and cons of all my options which was not easy.

I wish there was a system that made all this mess easier. The funny part is I know that it will probably change completely in the week left until registration closes or during drop/add. So there's really no sense in worry about any of it.

The high point of my day was when I ran into a classmate who told me she had given my flash drive to our lab instructor after I left it one day. I was disappointed that I couldn't find it last week and thought it was gone for good. It was an awesome surprise and I actually didn't know what to say when she told me. I might've muttered a "thank you" but i'm not sure.

I love when something unexpected like that happens. It's just a reminder that there are people out there looking to do the right thing.

Sometimes we find things that we thought we had lost. We get frustrated and then realize the answer is right in front of us. Sometimes we find them, or friends or strangers do. I probably should have considered e-mailing my lab instructor, but I didn't think she would have a clue where my flash drive was. Sometimes, we think too much.

Many times even our back-up plans fall through. We can't seem to find what we think we want and need. Life is kind of like ISIS in a way, doors to opportunities are sporadically closed and opened, and you kind of have to go on a whim. Even the best laid plans falter and that's okay. What matters is that we adapt and know that things will arrange themselves how they are meant to be eventually.

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