Monday, November 10, 2008

Eliot and his story

I caught a glimpse of Oprah the other day bawling on her show and decided to stay tuned.

That's when I learned about these amazing parents and their son, Eliot Mooney, who was born with several complications.

You can see the video on YouTube here.
They also have a blog.

These parents tried to enjoy every moment they had with their son. Each day was treated as special as a birthday.

Eliot lived 99 days.

So many times we forget how blessed we are to be here.

I am not perfect and I often forget about making each moment count. But this blog's title is a reminder to myself and to others about how precious life is.

The courage of these parents amazes me. Their pictures are filled with profound joy for every moment of their son's life. Every bath, ever feeding session, every venture outside. The little things that people tend to take for granted.

Eliot was such a loved little boy. In his short but miraculous life, his parents showered him with love and care.

When Eliot passed away, I can't imagine the heartache they experienced. But I am inspired by their ability to trust God and His will and to remain strong.

Let's take something away from this story. In each battle we fight, let us remain hopeful. With each tragedy we confront, let us remain trusting. Against every doubt and fear, let us walk by faith.

Let us thank God every day for our blessings.

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